Monday, August 6, 2012

Toe Clips & Polyester Polos

As my rides have gotten longer, the need to ride on busier streets has increased.  I used to be frustrated when I rode my motorcycle (before the Chairman made me sell it,) because drivers did not pay much attention to two wheeled vehicles.  It is even worse with a non motorized two wheeled vehicle.  Please be aware of all traffic, including bicycles.  I am probably going to do most of my long range training on trails. 

My biking coach (Jim Haake) suggested that I get some toe clips for my pedals.  These screw into your pedals and do two major things as far as I can tell; they keep your feet on the pedals and the allow you to use some of your energy to help lift the pedals.  Back I go  to Dicks Sporting Goods, where these are surprisingly affordable at only $10. (One thing I have noticed is that biking accessories are inexpensive.  My buddies that ride the big motorcycles tell me that HD really stands for “Hundred Dollars”.) 

Sunday morning, I planned to be up before the sun, get the clips installed and go for a 30 mile ride.  I overslept.  I put the clips on (not bad at all, even though they did not come with instructions,) and headed out around 8:30.  

DO NOT WEAR A 100% POLYESTER POLO SHIRT WHEN YOU ARE RIDING A BICYCLE A LONG DISTANCE!  Someone recommended this brand as a good way to wick moisture away from your body, but I must not sweat right.  I was really hot, and it was the coolest day in a month.  I should have stuck to my 100% COTTON t shirt!

After circling the Bass Pro trail a couple of times, I rode over to the Blue River Trace trail.  This is a very good trail, with the only disadvantage being that it is almost impossible to get there by bicycle.  I will put the bike on my car next time.

By the way, if you are walking or riding on a trail, be aware of what is going on around you.  Using noise cancelling in-ear plugs for your music makes it difficult to hear what is going on around you.  Several times, I startled folks on the trail, even though I announced myself and that I was passing them.  

This is a great trail, with both paved and chat (really small gravel) surfaces.  There is lots of open trail and a lot of folks riding and walking on the trail.  I was already at 15 miles when I hit the trail, so I didn’t get to follow it and see the sights, but next time I will.

 By the end of the ride, including leaving the Blue River trail and heading back over to Bass Pro, then riding back home, I did 23 miles.  I would have tried to keep going, because I was not that tired (love those toe clips!) but I finished my 2 liter hydration pack, and I was out of water.  As explained in an earlier blog, this is an issue for me. I gotta have water.

I tried a new Smart Phone program to check my odometer on my bike.  Runtastic is available for an android (my phone) and I am guessing for I Phones etc. It’s a free app that uses GPS to log your miles, calories burned etc. You can pick from running, biking etc.   The GPS verified that my odometer was accurate within about 1/10th of a mile, which is close enough for me.

My Birthday Bash is September 15th. If you want to ride, or make a donation to support NHS and 60 year olds learning new things, visit our website at

More later

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